Android compass question

Jonathan Lynch jonathandlynch at
Sat Aug 18 14:20:47 EDT 2018

Just a quick addendum to my last comment - I found an html5 online compass
demo that works well on the device. That means I might be able to use the
browser widget that displays the map to read the compass from the device.
If that works, I could reset the map heading inside the widget without
having to get data from LC.

That is actually a huge amount of work, and I hate to have to resort to
that, but having the heading jump around so much is just unworkable. I am
not sure how the browser can get a steady reading when LC is not getting a
steady reading from the system.

On Sat, Aug 18, 2018 at 2:06 PM Jonathan Lynch <jonathandlynch at>

> Hi Jacqueline,
> Thank you for this reply. I keep working with this issue, but I still
> cannot resolve it. When I put the Android phone down on a table, to be
> still, the compass heading from LC jumps up and down by as much as 10
> degrees - way too big of a range just to round.
> However, the compass app I downloaded on that same device is rock steady.
> I really wish it would just work, rather than having to massage the data
> from the device.
> On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 4:24 PM J. Landman Gay via use-livecode <
> use-livecode at> wrote:
>> On 8/11/18 3:34 PM, Jonathan Lynch via use-livecode wrote:
>> > I have a new galaxy phone. When I read the mobile compass, both
>> magnetic heading and true heading constantly change - even if the phone is
>> laying down still. It changes up and down randomly by 5 degrees or so. Does
>> anyone know if this is a problem with LC or with galaxy phones? My iPhone
>> does not do this.
>> My Galaxy S5 does the same thing with a LC compass I made. My guess is
>> that's the way Android reads GPS data. When it tries to find my house,
>> it does a whole bunch of hops around the circumference before settling
>> down on the center, and even then it still twitches as it tries for more
>> accuracy.
>> A compass I downloaded from the Play Store does not do that on my Pixel.
>> I'd guess that the app is doing some rounding to the nearest integer,
>> since it doesn't display fractional values.
>> Try downloading a few of the dozens of compasses on the Play Store and
>> see how they behave. It may be that LC is actually more precise than you
>> want it to be. I do know that LC is only reporting what the OS tells it.
>> --
>> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
>> HyperActive Software           |
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