some thoughts on version 9.0.0

Niggemann, Bernd Bernd.Niggemann at
Thu Apr 19 18:03:32 EDT 2018

Mark Wieder via use-livecode Thu, 19 Apr 2018 13:46:24 -0700
>On 04/19/2018 01:15 PM, Niggemann, Bernd via use-livecode wrote:
>the number 1 indicates that this is the first behavior. Behaviors can be 
>stacked and then you would have 2,3 or whatever up to ten behaviors. The number 
>of lines is useful for the object but not so much for the behavior. The tooltip 
>indicates the the name of the behavior, clicking on it opens the script of the 

Unless it's somehow possible for the displayed behaviors to get out of order, then the numbers seem somewhat useless. I think this is a big step backwards from displaying the number of lines in the behavior script
 Mark Wieder
 ahsoftw... at

Hi Mark,

actually the problem was that if you use the number of lines of the behaviors and you have a couple of behaviors stacked then the space needed for the behaviors would run into the text. The current solution was the one which used the least space. If you look in the Project Browser at "Message Box" or "revIDEProjectBrowser" that have two behaviors that the spacing for between the behaviors is minimal to save space, also that is the reason why they are oval so you can reduce the spacing between behaviors.

I agree that counting from 1 to 10 is not really a big help, could have been greek letters instead, but what you gather from the number of lines of the behavior script escapes me.

Kind regards


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