Radio button scaling

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Sun Oct 29 22:39:03 EDT 2017


I have had some success with 

a) create icon in a vector program
b) no gradients!
c) set background as transparent
d) save as PNG at the largest size you might need.
e) scale down (never up) dynamically run time before display.

whether it is "non-smooth" will vary depending on the image.

some appear very nicely; others do break down even when scaling down…there is a "lower limit" after which point the edges of the image will start to become jaggy.   I recently did this myself for radio buttons, creating a circle in Illlustrator…. one for the "checked" state and one for the unchecked state. 

On 10/29/17, 12:48 AM, "use-livecode on behalf of hh via use-livecode" <use-livecode-bounces at on behalf of use-livecode at> wrote:

    This is solvable as soon as icons are settable using SVG.
    Other scaling would result in non-smooth displays as the icons are images.

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