Comparing 2 Spoken words, FFT function in LiveCode?

hh hh at
Mon Oct 16 13:33:12 EDT 2017

LC Script is probably not fast enough for performing a FFT.
But you could use, for example, the following digital signal processing
library for javascript via a browser widget.

Or try to use LCB's java-FFI based on these approaches:

> Peter R. wrote:
> Does anyone know of an implementation of an FFT function written in LiveCode?
> I've tried joneslib but this doesn't include FFT. I'm hoping to use FFTs as
> part of my attempt to compare 2 short sound clips of people speaking a single
> word.I'm trying to judge whether a single word spoken by 2 different people
> is the same word or not. Any advice or code that might help with this would
> be most welcome.

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