Slack library?

pink nabble at
Mon Oct 9 06:33:07 EDT 2017

Depends on what you want to do... 

Below is just a post to channel command I had made, haven't used it ina
while and obviously the webhook has fake credentials...

command slackPost
into slackURL
  put "Fallback text" into tPostArray["fallback"]
  put "#random" into tPostArray["channel"]
  put "This is the text test" into tPostArray["text"]
  put "App Bot" into tPostArray["username"]
  put "Quick pretext" into tPostArray["pretext"]
  put "danger" into tPostArray["color"]
  put ":dragon:" into tPostArray["icon_emoji"]
  put "abc" into tPostArray["fields"]["1"]["title"]
  put 2   into tPostArray["fields"]["1"]["value"]
  put "short"   into tPostArray["fields"]["1"]["short"]
  put "def" into tPostArray["fields"]["2"]["title"]
  put 2   into tPostArray["fields"]["2"]["value"]
  put "short"   into tPostArray["fields"]["2"]["short"]
  put jsonFromArray(tPostArray) into tPost
  post tPost to URL slackURL
end slackPost

Greg (pink) Miller
mad, pink and dangerous to code
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