Desktop Fork Menu for Mobile Picker

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Tue Jun 20 10:50:19 EDT 2017

OK , who knew we would be building for mobile first, and *then* go fishing for a desktop solution to the same requirement?

this is too easy:
sort tList
put "All" & cr before tList
mobilePick tList, "cancel"
if the result is 0 then
put empty into tModule
put line (the result) of tList into tTitle

Anyone have a "widget" separate control that we can use for desktop to "drop into" this scenario?

sort tList
put "All" & cr before tList

if the environment is "mobile" then
mobilePick tList, "cancel"
### what?
end if

if the result is 0 then
put empty into tModule
put line (the result) of tList into tTitle


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