Sending an FTP command from one web server to another?

Tim Selander selander at
Tue Jul 18 04:38:49 EDT 2017


My company gave up on hosting our email and website at back 
when they were having lots of reliability problems. We're using a host 
in Japan; no LC server installed, nor is it installable.

I still have our Founder's account on, and use quite a few 
.lc scripts, calling them from iframes in web pages hosted on the new host.

Our radio programs' mp3 files are stored on the new host. I want one of 
my scripts on to get the directory listing of the mp3 files 
on the new host. The ftp command from LC tutorials works fine from LC 
desktop (Community edition, Mac) to get the filelist:
put url "" into myVariable

Put when I call it from the server .lc script on on-rev, the result is:
error Failed to connect to port 21: Connection refused

( is our new host here in Japan.)

Any ideas why the connection would be refused when coming from on-rev, 
but not LC desktop? Anyways around this?

Thanks in advance.

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

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