postgres table query not getting all names

Dr. Hawkins dochawk at
Fri Jul 14 18:48:39 EDT 2017

Sometime  ago, I wrote my own getTableNames() because
revDatabaseTableNames() would consistently fail to find them all.

Now, it to is filing.

It is, in essence,

*put* "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables ;" \

& cr into dcmd

*put* revDataFromQuery(,cr,db,dcmd) into tabList

*return* tabList

I have another chunk of code which is now acting up:

*put* getTableNames(dhbkSrvrDb) into dhSrvTbls

*put* "dhStatTbl" into dhtbl_stat

*if* dhtbl_stat is not among the words of dhSrvTbls *then*

*put* "CREATE TABLE " & dhtbl_stat  . . . blah blah blah

table dhStatTbl already exists, yet the conditional is reached.  It
executes, and throws an error because this table is already there.

This is, to be mild, a brutal bug.

Might there be something I'm missing?

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462

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