Sublime Text - Trevors LivecodeLint - some questions

Matthias Rebbe matthias_livecode_150811 at
Sat Feb 25 18:13:27 EST 2017

I was wondering about how this code checking would work, so i installed SublimeText, installed the LiveCode Package, SublimeLinter and LC server community as described  at <>

I then tried to install the plugin SublimeLinter-contrib-livecodelint via Package Control, but i do not see the plugin in the list. So i downloaded the plugin from github, rename the folder from SublimeLinter-contrib-livecodelint-master to SublimeLinter-contrib-livecodelint and moved it into the folder  ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User

I added the described settings to the linters section and set the Lint Mode to Background. But i do not get an error when for example using a non declared variable. What am i missing.


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