Size of Image in RAM

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Wed Feb 8 10:59:49 EST 2017

It's very possible that for the purposes of efficiency, Photoshop allocates enough memory so that it can work on the file as though it were in 24 bit color mode. It may be that some filters do a temporary shift to 24 bit color to do their magic, then back to 8 bit. This is just a guess though. I wouldn't go by that. If Photoshop reports 8 bit, then it's 8 bit.

Bob S

On Feb 7, 2017, at 22:17 , Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode <use-livecode at<mailto:use-livecode at>> wrote:

@ Scott:

That's not what I get if I open this image in Photoshop.  (CC 2017)

575 X 1000

It is a JPEG, but under the mode menu it shows "RGB/8 Bit" and if I look under indexed colors it says "256"  definitely not 16bit (in which case we should see 65536 colors)

So, somehow this IS a JPG that at least reports in PS as 8 bit but shows it is taking 2.17 MB in RAM, which it would if it were 16 bit.

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