Copying text in boxes to clipboard

David V Glasgow dvglasgow at
Fri Dec 8 10:09:57 EST 2017

Hello Charles,

I very often have to manipulate psychological test and subtest scores in LC that have to be exported in different formats.  It is difficult to be sure I understand what you are trying to do, but I will say that I find the following the approach is one that suits me:

• I store item numbers which contribute to sub scale scores in a custom property of a field that contains the sub scale score.  Sometimes 2 properties if some items are reverse scored.  Very easy then to step through any number of sub scale fields with a generic script which will populate each with the correct result.  I like to use custom properties because they are easier to check and change than if they are buried in a script.  

• I write several ‘harvest' routines to gather the data from scored up test and subtest fields, and store the results as a tab delimited  table in an ordinary LC field, in whatever format is required. (by ‘format’ I mean 1 case per line, or rows and columns for each case, not digital ‘formats’)  The contents of that field can then be printed, copied to the clipboard or exported as a file. 

With only 14 fields, it will be very quick once you have gone through the drudgery of writing the ‘data harvest’ scripts.

Am I on the right lines?

Best wishes,

David Glasgow

> On 8 Dec 2017, at 2:51 pm, Charles Szasz via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> I have 14 fields for subtest names named test1, test2, test3,..test14 and another 14 fields for scores named score1, score2, score3,..score14.  They are all associated with different tests. Some tests will have all 14 subtests and scores while others will have only have one subtest and one score.  The test names and scores are all the same length. 
> I greatly appreciate your willingness to help me.  I have been dealing with this problem for a month or so.  If you need more information, please let me know.  
> Sent from my iPad
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