Cheesed off by 32xxx

Jim Lambert jiml at
Sun Apr 2 14:10:46 EDT 2017


You could give this a try.
Drag a scrolling list field onto the card. 
Name it ‘UNIlist’.
This will eventually replace for group ‘UNIlist', which contains your problematic number of buttons.
Put this in the script of the scrolling list field ‘UNIlist'
on mouseup

	put token 2 of the value of the clickline into MAGIC

	put baseConvert(MAGIC, 16, 10) into WAL

	put 0 into KOUNT

	lock screen

	repeat for 128 times

		set the label of btn ("B" & KOUNT) to numToCodepoint(KOUNT+WAL)

		add 1 to KOUNT

	end repeat

	put the short name of me into fld "RANGE"

end mouseup

on populateMe

	put "" into me

	lock screen
	put the number of buttons of grp UNIlist into nBtns

	repeat with x = 1 to nBtns

		put the short name of btn x of grp UNIlist into line (nBtns +1) - x of me

	end repeat

end populateMe

Now execute "send populateMe to the field UNIlist” in the message box

Now click any line of the scrolling list field ‘UNIlist’.

The scrollingligst field should be able to hold considerably more than 1400 lines.
Result: de-cheesement!

Jim Lambert

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