Open Stacks / Stacks in Use All Stack Files Appear in Project Browser as open

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Sat Apr 1 12:26:28 EDT 2017

Well, I got my Android test deployment working again, but the app completely dies on the phone now and even if I set a break point on the preopencard of the init script, it will not fire in the debugger.

I note something peculiar:

If I open myApp.livecode stack: which has stack files set and is the stack we build the standalone from… we have a json file that is read on init that specifics with stacks should be put into use on initialization.

But, and this is the odd thing: after running a build, I go back to the Project Browser or revApplicationOverview

and, now, I see *all* the stacks that are listed in the stack files of the mainstack  all appear in the list.

My assumption has always been: if stacks appear in the Project Browser or revApplicationOver view, they must be open.

But, from the msg box:

put stacksinuse()  but the message box is now beeping at me… I cannot back space and I cannot even enter

put the stacksinuse

if I quit LC and reopen myApp.livecode  then I can use "put thestacksinuse" and see the list as expected… project browser also only show those stacks open.

Run the standalone builder…

in the msg box "put the stacksinuse && the openstacks"  and I only see myApp.livecode and a few rev stacks

but in the project browser *all* the stacks in my app listed in the stack files appear.

I worry that the reason the android standalone if failing is because the SA build is in fact cause all those stacks to be loaded on the phone (Nexus 5)… all open and in RAM… and, of course it will die because it simply overruns the entire memory

What is going on?

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