Playing Sound question

William Prothero prothero at
Thu Sep 15 20:11:07 EDT 2016

I have an app that I am building for mobile. In previous versions of LC, I used the 
command and its associated control commands. I play an mp3 file.
This no longer works on LC8.1 (at least on the simulator) in the latest iOS version.

I have two looping sounds that are background and another sound containing instructions, that play over the looping background sound. To do this, I’ve created 3 players and each plays one of the sounds. 

So, does the player widget work on iOS too? I can get it working in the IDE. There are numerous sound play commands listed in the dictionary and it’s very confusing which ones apply to the new avFoundation player.

Could someone enlighten me. Do I need 3 players, or are there channels in the avFoundation player? Will the avFoundation player play in iOS? Are the mobilePlaySoundOnChannel commands deprecated or am I just getting confused because they don’t work in the simulator?


William Prothero, Ph.D.
University of California, Santa Barbara, Emeritus
prothero at

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