How do I codesign an App?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed Oct 26 11:07:23 EDT 2016

William Prothero wrote:

 > Code signing is very frustrating and time-wasting. I second, third,
 > and fourth all recommendations to make the app deployment process
 > easier for both standalone systems and mobile. I disagree that it
 > should only be in the commercial version, though. Indy users
 > distribute apps too.

Ah, yes, I'd forgotten about the split feature sets.

For the record, for me to be motivated to chip in, anything that 
facilitates iOS deployment must be in Indy as well as Business.

And for all other platforms where distribution is compatible with the 
GPL, any community-funded enhancements need to also be in the Community 

The features proposed here are security features, and those making free 
and open software have as much need for security as anyone else.

But for myself this applies to all community-funded features: no 
Community Edition, no dice.

Fortunately, to date I believe all community-funded features have been 
included in all three editions, Community, Indy, and Business.  I trust 
that won't change, as it would only reduce the pool of potential 
contributors, and further exacerbate the challenges of transforming into 
a true open source project.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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