override HTTPS certificate failure

Peter TB Brett peter.brett at livecode.com
Wed Oct 26 03:01:11 EDT 2016

On 25/10/2016 20:41, Lyn Teyla wrote:

> 2. If the user elects to trust the certificate, save the certificate
> details received from the server during that first connection.

You've forgotten an extremely important step: train the user to be able 
to distinguish a valid-but-not-trusted certificate from an invalid one. 
No-one has succededed in doing this, and research has shown that 
offering users the ability to override certificate validation failures 
merely trains users to ignore certificate failures.

Allowing on-demand verification-skipping is contrary to security best 
practice and will expose you to risk.

- If you need to use self-signed certificates, install the relevant 
certs in the certificate store on all devices that need to trust them

- If you don't care about the security of a connection, and the only way 
to use HTTPS is with a certificate that you can't trust, use HTTP

- If you're prompting the user to allow them to bypass verification 
(please don't), never ever trust the failed certificate permanently; not 
even SSL experts reliably make the correct decisions in these scenarios.

Your company's and your customers' security depends on you deploying and 
_enforcing_ security best practice.

1. Fix your SSL keys and 2. enforce verification.


Dr Peter Brett <peter.brett at livecode.com>
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs: https://github.com/peter-b/lcb-mode

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