Shell Fails on One Machine

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Thu May 5 14:48:47 EDT 2016

Well it turns out that shell works on that unit. But we are getting some bizarre paths to the remote volume I am trying to address… so this is not an LC problem.. it’s actually an old problem we’ve had on the LAN here when talking to big 50 Terrabyte server in the other room.

If I do (on my machine)

Brahmanathaswami:volumes Brahmanathaswami$ ls

I get two mounted volumes

%  Chola			MobileBackups

On the “Mushika Machine”

If I do cd /Volumes | ls

I get
Chola Chola-1 LiveCodeIndy 8[dmg] macintosh HD

So the problem is that the big server on the LAN is somehow mounted twice.

On the desktop it appears mounted as “Chola”

But any attempt to 

Shell “open /Volumes/Chola/WWW” 

Fails.. Even in terminal.. I get a permissions error… but I can drag the “Chola” icon from the desktop into the terminal and we get


Weird… I think the solution is to reboot the machine and see what we are getting the “presence” of the remote server as two different volumes… 

Anyway… not an LC issue.  Some kind of Apple Network Volumes Mounting API issue.


On 5/5/16, 8:07 AM, "use-livecode on behalf of Bob Sneidar" <use-livecode-bounces at on behalf of bobsneidar at> wrote:

>What your shell funtion would look like in this example is:
>get shell (open "/Volumes/Chola1/WWW/public_html")
>Might need to be:
>get shell ("open /Volumes/Chola1/WWW/public_html")

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