[EOL] glx2 script editor

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Wed May 4 11:19:54 EDT 2016

Thanks for all the hard work you put into this product. I have benefited greatly from using this product, especially the clairvoyance feature, which would be a great addition to the LC script editor. LC devs would be well advised to look into some of the features in GLX2 and incorporate them. 

Bob S

> On May 4, 2016, at 08:00 , Mark Wieder <mwieder at ahsoftware.net> wrote:
> Now that LC8 is out I'm offically announcing an end-of-life for the glx2 script editor.
> There is an LC bug that renders glx2 unusable on linux - it still works fine on osx, and as far as I know, on Windows, although I haven't bothered testing that. There's really no incentive for the LiveCode team to fix the bug, as it so far only has an impact on the script editor, and only on linux. I do appreciate the time the team has put into trying to fix it so far, but the ROI isn't there to narrow this down.
> http://quality.livecode.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15617
> http://quality.livecode.com/show_bug.cgi?id=16880
> The glx2 script editor is still available online at
> https://bitbucket.org/mwieder/glx2/downloads
> and will continue to be there. I'm not getting rid of it, I'm just not working on it any more. Linux is my main operating system, and has been for some years now. If I can't use tools, especially code that I've written myself, then there's no point in maintaining them. The latest version is GLX2_Code19_beta7.zip. I had hoped this bug would be fixed so that I could release a real version 19, but that's something that has to be done at the engine level, not from a scripted level.
> Feel free to grab the script editor, use it on other operating systems, do what you want with the open-source code, etc. Have fun, don't hurt yourselves, look both ways when crossing the street.
> -- 
> Mark Wieder
> ahsoftware at gmail.com
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