Standalones on el Capitan?

Monte Goulding monte at
Sun May 1 08:46:19 EDT 2016

Hmm... If you believe in your idea and business plan then make the investment just like if you believe the property market will go up then buy a house. There's risk in getting out of bed in the morning but it doesn't outweigh the benefits ;-)

Sent from my iPhone

> On 1 May 2016, at 10:11 PM, Erik Beugelaar <ebeugelaar at> wrote:
> I agree but if you have a brilliant idea for an iOS app and you believe it
> will generate money in future you need audiance. And for iOS the only
> common way is the AppStore to present your app to buy or offer it as free
> download to turn it later if succesfull in a payed version ot subscription
> model...

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