Multiple Versions of LC on Mac

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Thu Mar 31 16:44:02 EDT 2016

The read me notes on LC 8 say

"Each version of LiveCode installs to its own, separate folder, to allow multiple versions of LiveCode to be installed side-by-side."

Just to confirm:

If we maintain all these in the applications folder (on mac)

LiveCode Indy
LiveCode Indy 8.0.0 (dp 16).app
LiveCode Indy 8.0 (dp 15).app


and be sure to close anyone of them before using another...
are we getting ourselves into trouble at all, does this affect the preferences?

Of course we  would need to "save stack with format version" to run in 7... and features not available 8 disappear e.g. use of new json lib.

Any other caveats?

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