The 'startup' message not working in IDE

Paul Dupuis paul at
Wed Jun 8 16:09:31 EDT 2016

In LiveCode 6.7.11 and 8.1.0rc1 the startup message is send to your main
stack when the mainstack is built as a standalone. However, if you open
your stack in the IDE, the startup message is never received

You can test this by making a new stack with the following script in the
stack script:
on startup
  answer "Startup message received"
end startup

save the stack and build it as a standalone

Open the stack in LC and notice no answer dialog appears. Run the
standalone and the answer dialog appears and then the app quits when the
answer is responded to.

I assume the IDE is receiving the start up message since the
documentation says 'startup' is send only once to the first start that
is opened.

I think this should be a "bug". In general, any message a standalone
could receive should be presented in the IDE for effective debugging. I
think the IDE should pass the startup message to the first NON-IDE stack
being opened.

Having a message like 'startup' that is sent only ONCE is pretty handy,
but if it can't be debugged in the IDE, it reduced its value.

Before I submit this as a bug, especially since this "bug" seems to be
the behavior that has been in place for some time, i want to poll the LC
community and see if other agree it is an IDE bug and 'startup' should
be received by your first stack opened?

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