8 project browser hacking

Peter TB Brett peter.brett at livecode.com
Tue Jun 7 16:25:19 EDT 2016

On 07/06/2016 21:01, Mike Kerner wrote:
> never mind, Ali responded on one of the bug reports...

FWIW, http://quality.livecode.com/show_bug.cgi?id=17813#c3

Here's Ali's comment in full:

> Here is the pull request:
> https://github.com/livecode/livecode-ide/pull/1192
> Essentially the problem was that the 'frame behavior', which unifies
> all of the palette header and footer handling, assumes that there is
> a 1-1 mapping between preference menu items and preferences. The
> original implementation of PB ordering used two preferences for each
> menu item (sort type and sort order for each of stack, card and
> control), which meant that the frame behavior couldn't set the
> checkmarks correctly.
> Hence the fix was to combine each pair of prefs into one
> (pb_stackSortOrder & pb_stackSortType -> pb_stackSort), add a mini
> API for setting and getting the preference to make sure it was in a
> consistent form, and then changing all the places where these pref
> names were used.
> Note I missed one instance, hence bug 17769, which will be fixed in
> 8.0.2 rc 2 (but not 8.0.2 rc 1 and possibly not 8.1.0 dp 2). The fix
> for that is here: https://github.com/livecode/livecode-ide/pull/1222
> I also took the opportunity there to add tests for each of the
> ordering types.


Dr Peter Brett <peter.brett at livecode.com>
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

LiveCode 2016 Conference https://livecode.com/edinburgh-2016/

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