No Guinea pigs harmed with this repost on streaming Bundle

Lagi Pittas iphonelagi at
Thu Jul 14 09:57:24 EDT 2016


I asked a question on the forums and none of the "Gods" answered it so I'll
ask it gain here


I purchased the livecode 2016 streaming bundle for the conference and since
I just ran through Todd's schedule app and I saw a LOT of very interesting
talks by some of the Gods of Livecode.

I was wondering are ALL the talks going to be recorded (and if not why
not)? and will we have access to them either for later streaming or
downloading for later perusal.

If any are going to be missed because of a lack of video equipment, I think
even an Iphone/Android recording will be better than nothing - just a
thought .

Kindest Regards Lagi


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