Getting the long name(or ID) of a control

Ralph DiMola rdimola at
Wed Jan 27 00:04:36 EST 2016

Riddle me this Batman:

I have 2 controls named "F1"(field) and "menu"(button) both in a group named

Why does this work...????
put "F1" into somevar
put the long name of control somevar into someothervar

But this does not work...
put "F1 of group G1" into somevar
put the long name of control somevar into someothervar

This works....
put "F1 of group G1" into somevar
put the long name of ("control"&&somevar) into someothervar

This also works....
put "F1" into somevar
put the long name of ("control"&&somevar) into someothervar

But this does not
put "menu of group G1" into somevar
put the long name of ("control"&&somevar) into someothervar

But this does
put quote&"menu"&quote&&"of group G1" into somevar
put the long name of ("control"&&somevar) into someothervar

And this works
put "menu" into somevar
put the long name of control somevar into someothervar

Menu seems to be a keyword or something. What am I missing? Should there
always be quotes around control names? (banging head against wall)

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services
rdimola at

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