One Rect For All specificaiton

Colin Holgate colinholgate at
Mon Jan 25 05:09:55 EST 2016

The 4:3 to 16:9 is a range, it’s not that it only takes care of those two cases. If you use a 4:3 card and have 16:9 content, on a 16:10 device, you’ll see most of the 16:9 content.

There are cases where a device might exceed 16:9. For example, a 16:9 device that is showing some sort of temporary bar along the top. In such a case you might end up with a small amount of border on the far left and right of your content. Not something I would worry about too much!

About letter boxing as a solution, that’s probably ok in the Android world, but if for example you solve your iOS needs by letting a 4:3 card have borders on a 16:9 device, Apple would reject the app.

> On Jan 24, 2016, at 11:40 PM, J. Landman Gay <jacque at> wrote:
> On 1/24/2016 2:34 PM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote:
>> Your safe zone is  (I hope I am finally declaring this correctly)
>> 1) for a “root" 16 X 9 stack: the full width + 75% of the  vertical
>> height that will render on a 4 X 3 device — ergo artists must supply
>> you with  4 X 3 artwork with significant content in the middle 75%
>> vertical space. i.e. 12.5 % bleed top and bottom 2) for a “root” 4 x
>> 4 3tack: the full height + 75% of the  width height that will render
>> on a 4 X 3 device — ergo artists must supply you with  16 X 9 artwork
>> with significant content in the middle 75% horizontal space i.e. 12.5
>> % bleed left and right.
> I wonder how that will translate to Android. I found these aspect ratios <>, listed from most common to least:
> 16:9
> 5:3
> 4:3
> 16:10
> 3:2
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |
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