The Future of LiveCode in Education

Jim Hurley jhurley0305 at
Mon Feb 29 21:19:42 EST 2016

As programmers, most of us on this list think mainly of programming as a tool for solving problems. 
Of course, that’s how it was born. The original use of the computer was to solve hard science problems.  It was assumed that a couple dozen around the world would be sufficient.

But, besides learning how to become programmers there is another important use, particularly in education, and that is computer programming as a tooI for exploring.   

If you’re talking about early education, consideration should be given to Turtle Graphics. Yes, that again.
Seymour Papert, a protege of Piaget, founded the  MIT Media Lab. The lab was responsible for implementing  LOGO (based on Lisp) and Tuttle Graphics designed for young children. As many of you know, I have long been an advocate of implementing TG in LC. It is a powerful tool for learning and exploring.

Here, for example, is a book written by two MIT Math professors: Turtle Geometry, The Computer as  Medium for Exploring Mathematics. MIT press, 1979. (The last chapter  is titled: Curved Space and General Relativity.)

Here are the chapter titles of a book I wrote some years back designed to allow students to explore the world of physics: Logo Physics, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1985

Chapter 1		Vectors
Chapter 2		Equilibrium of forces
Chapter 3		Free fall
Chapter 4		Projectile motion and the CRT
Chapter 5		Projectile motion II
Chapter 6 	The monkey, the hunter, and Einstein’s principle of equivalence
Chapter 7		Escape velocity
Chapter 8		Planetary Motion
Chapter 9 	The music of the spheres
Chapter 10	Voyager II and lunar orbits
Chapter 11 	Jets, rockets, and conservation of momentum
Chapter 12	The harmonic oscillator, clocks, rabbits, and foxes (predator-prey simulation)
Chapter 13	The big bang
Chapter 14	Radioactive decay
Chapter 15 	Bridges, catenaries, and the perfect arch
Chapter 16	Fishes and optics
Cheater 17 	Rainbows

If     If we're talking about the “The Future of LiveCode in Education” we ought to consider programming as a tool for exploration. 

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