Min function

Thierry Douez th.douez at gmail.com
Sun Feb 28 07:52:26 EST 2016

2016-02-28 13:01 GMT+01:00 Terence Heaford <t.heaford at icloud.com>:

> Thanks,
> That is a good solution which will also apply to Max.
> I just thought that anything that can be rolled into the engine would be
> faster and
> usually every tick/millisecond that can be gained is worth having in an
> interpreted language.
​Well, as I don't know your context,
I'm not sure if speed is really a problem here?

Anyway, you make me feel curious about this,
and I've checked the speed against 3 variants.

First, I generated 2 lists of numbers.

   repeat with i=1 to 1000
      get random( 1000)
      put IT & cr after LinesOfNumbers
      put IT & comma after OneLineOfNumbers
   end repeat
   delete last char of LinesOfNumbers
   delete last char of OneLineOfNumbers

Then, run:

   put 100 into nRepeat

   put the milliseconds into _ct
   -- case 1
   repeat nRepeat
      put min( replaceText( LinesOfNumbers, return,comma))  into min1
   end repeat

   put (the milliseconds - _ct)  / nRepeat into timing1

   wait 1 ticks with messages
   put the milliseconds into _ct

   -- case 2
   repeat nRepeat
       replace return with comma in LinesOfNumbers
      put min( LinesOfNumbers)  into min2
   end repeat

   put (the milliseconds - _ct)  / nRepeat into timing2

   wait 1 ticks with messages
   put the milliseconds into _ct

   -- case 3
   repeat nRepeat
      put min( OneLineOfNumbers) into min3
   end repeat

   put (the milliseconds - _ct)  / nRepeat into timing3

   answer format( "Done in %.2f - %.2f -  %.2f  /%s",  timing1,  timing2,
timing3, min1 is min2)


​Trying it few times for a list of 1000 items,

we have the winner which obviously is case 3: 1,47 ms
case 1 is 1,85 ms and case 2 is 4,5 ms.

Increase the number of items  to 10000,
then you'll see much more distant results.

But now, if you 're working with a list of 10 items,
it really doesn't matter as the result are:

0,07 0,04, 0,03 ms

Hope you find this interesting.


> > Thierry Douez <th.douez at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > What about this?
> >
> > return  min( replaceText( myListOfNumbers, "\n",comma))
> >
> >
> > 2016-02-28 12:05 GMT+01:00 Terence Heaford <t.heaford at icloud.com>:
> >
> >>
> >> I thought Min may work with the itemDelimiter but apparently not.
> >>
> >> Is that something that would be useful?
> >>
> >> set the itemDelimiter to return
> >>
> >> return Min (myListOfNumbers) — based on return not comma

Thierry Douez - http://sunny-tdz.com
sunnYrex - sunnYtext2speech - sunnYperl - sunnYmidi - sunnYmage

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