Release 8.0 DP 14

RM richmondmathewson at
Fri Feb 5 04:28:34 EST 2016

On 5.02.2016 01:29, Ali Lloyd wrote:
> We are currently in a DP cycle, and I know it will come back to bite me if
> I say I think it is very stable, so forgive me for being cautious.
> Richmond, I may have missed it - did you answer my question? The error you
> posted was nothing to do with the dictionary. It was an error in the
> menubar, a stack which you have been making changes to. If there is a
> problem with the dictionary, could you please describe the problem with the
> dictionary?

I think that as far as Linux is concerned the Dictionary has, in the 8.0 
DP releases
gone from bad to worse, so my report will probably, largely consist of a 
series of
pictures + descriptions of functionality (or lack thereof) of releases 
DP 11 to 14.

Whether that will actually be of any value at all I'm just not sure.

As my yardstick I shall use the LC 7.1 Dictionary, which is possibly a 
bit silly as I know
that the LC 8.0 Dictionary is meant to be both different and better than 
the 7.0 one.

However, as the LC 7.1 Dictionary does work, I cannot really think of 
another useful
point of comparison.

I will, also, try to test out 8.0 DP 14 on a Windows machine, even if 
only as a way of gauging
what is "not there" with the Linux version.


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