How to quit an Android app

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Dec 22 16:57:51 EST 2016

To be fair, a test stack isn't always required. They're actually pretty 
flexible about that. What I meant in my post was that if the test does, 
in fact, need a stack in order to adequately report it, I tend to 
procrastinate because I'm almost always in the middle of something else. 
If there's a workaround I just use it and the reporting may or may not 
happen later on.

On 12/22/16 3:28 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:
> IMO, having a *requirement* for a user to create a test stack - EVEN IF
> bureaucratic nonsense.
> I'm all in favour of creating test stacks to demonstrate a problem -
> esp. if the originally failing stack is complex, or if this can save the
> development team significant time. But if it is simply moving the time
> burden from the developers to the users, then it's unreasonable.
> I'd be OK with the situation of entering a bug with clear description -
> and giving the developers the option to request a test stack; but to
> impose that as a blanket, requirement before the bug will be properly
> considered is not OK.
> -- Alex.
> On 22/12/2016 18:44, J. Landman Gay wrote:
>> On 12/22/16 11:46 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>>> I would like to think that the introduction of the new external would
>>> not require us to rewrite our apps.
>>> Have you filed a bug report on that?
>> No, for a couple of reasons. First, it doesn't seem much different
>> than the need to close all running processes before quitting. Second,
>> if the report requires that I drop what I'm doing to create a test
>> stack, the bug is likely to go on hold, particularly if there's a
>> workaround.
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Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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