How to quit an Android app

Alex Tweedly alex at
Thu Dec 22 16:28:28 EST 2016

IMO, having a *requirement* for a user to create a test stack - EVEN IF 
bureaucratic nonsense.

I'm all in favour of creating test stacks to demonstrate a problem - 
esp. if the originally failing stack is complex, or if this can save the 
development team significant time. But if it is simply moving the time 
burden from the developers to the users, then it's unreasonable.

I'd be OK with the situation of entering a bug with clear description - 
and giving the developers the option to request a test stack; but to 
impose that as a blanket, requirement before the bug will be properly 
considered is not OK.

-- Alex.

On 22/12/2016 18:44, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 12/22/16 11:46 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>> I would like to think that the introduction of the new external would
>> not require us to rewrite our apps.
>> Have you filed a bug report on that?
> No, for a couple of reasons. First, it doesn't seem much different 
> than the need to close all running processes before quitting. Second, 
> if the report requires that I drop what I'm doing to create a test 
> stack, the bug is likely to go on hold, particularly if there's a 
> workaround.

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