LC performance change from Win 7 to Win 10

Monte Goulding monte at
Tue Aug 30 19:02:39 EDT 2016

> On 31 Aug 2016, at 8:35 AM, tbodine <bodine at> wrote:
> I recently upgraded to Win10 on my PC workstation. When I use LC 7.1.1 (my
> mainstay version on this machine for a long time now), it's like it is stuck
> in a bog.

There was a big push in the LiveCode 8 dp cycle to try to get LiveCode closer to 6.7 performance levels with native encoding so you will probably find if you try 8 it will perform much better.

> Specifically:
> * A standalone build that used to take under 2 minutes now takes more than
> 10 minutes. (It appears the "Removing development properties..." part of the
> job is the main slowdown, consuming 8 minutes.)

There could be some inefficient object iteration in there. I’ll take a look to see if it’s still there in 8.1. I recently sorted out some in the script find dialog and there’s a huge difference in speed so ideally we can make similar gains there.

> * When my code calls uses the Answer cmd, the title "Answer Dlog" appears in
> the window for about 1 second before the my actual text is displayed in the
> answer window.

That sounds odd. We’d definitely like to know if you are experiencing that in 8.1 RC 1.

> * The script editor's responsiveness is awful. Keystrokes don't buffer.
> Arrow key actions can result in undesired repetitions. 

I’d be keen to get a recipe for this also if you experience the same in 8.1 RC 1. I’ve had a verbal report of the keystroke thing in very long scripts on windows but still need to work out what’s going on there.



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