Arrow Keys on List Fields - The Selected/hilited Line

BNig bernd.niggemann at
Fri Apr 22 18:19:20 EDT 2016

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote
> If you use the arrow key on a list field, the selected line in the fld is
> the line that was selected before the arrow key
> So if you traverse a list up and down with the arrow keys, the selected
> line is always “one line behind” so to speak
> on arrowKey
>    put value (the selectedline of me) # is not the line you land on
>    pass arrowkey
> end arrowkey
> Is this a bug? If not a bug is there a simple way to get the value of the
> line the arrow key landed on and not the one that it just left behind? I
> can resort to parsing the line, determining if the user when up or down
> and then adding and subtracting 1… but that seems very hacky… is there a
> simpler way?
> BR


on selectionChanged
   put the hilitedText
end selectionChanged

do what you want for a list field? 

Kind regards


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