clear recent files list from the menu

-hh hh at
Tue Apr 19 12:34:39 EDT 2016

|= Mike B. wrote:
| There's a simple fix.
| Change the setprop name in the script of stack "revpreferences" to
| cRecentStackPaths
| change this line
|   set the cRecentPaths of stack "revPreferences" to tRecentPaths
| to this
|   set the cRecentStackPaths of stack "revPreferences" to tRecentPaths
| It looks like when a stack is saved it was updating cRecentStackPaths,
| but the setprop was working with an empty cRecentPaths property.

Could you please add the above to the report? #17467

|= Mike B. wrote:
| The way it was before, I suspect the recent files list would just grow
| forever.

It grows. Look into the prefs 7 stack.
May be this is one possible culprit for 'corrupt' LC 7 prefs.

Originally this second custom property was intended to list
the stackFile 'names' OR the stack names, I presume.
Would be a useful optional choice.

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