gjpqy cut off while typing

John Dixon dixonja at hotmail.co.uk
Wed Sep 30 15:05:11 EDT 2015

err.. can't you just make the height of the field tall enough to encompass the letter ?

> From: cowhead at mac.com
> Subject: gjpqy cut off while typing
> Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2015 03:47:15 +0900
> To: use-livecode at lists.runrev.com
> This is just an irritating little thing, but it’s been going on for more than a decade.  While you are typing in English “g j p q y” all get cut off on the bottom.  Here is an example:  http://imgur.com/Wc1yvsM
> It only happens while the field is focused for typing and if you hit return or click out of the field, it fixes itself.  Adjusting the ‘fixed line hight’ or the margins or the font does not fix it (any incarnation of Mac, don’t know about windows).  So it is not a big deal, but it is a decade long irritant, and it effects the software we are making for teaching “letters” and typing and such.  It doesn’t happen in the mail software I am using to type this, so it is not, strictly, a ‘mac’ issue.   
> Best,
> Mark
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