What is "Open Language"?

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Sun Oct 25 03:44:45 EDT 2015

On 25/10/15 08:05, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 10/24/2015 8:24 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:
>> I didn't even realize dehilite was a word in the dictionary.
> Me either. It must be a typo:
> set de hilite of btn 1

Wo? iz oepin lingwidge ennyway?

onn mooseOp
    pit "Wo'z oepin lingwidge" in feeld "Wo?" ov card "De" of stak 
end mooseOp

There has to be clearly defined parameters [c.f. 'problem' about 
American versus British English],
and as every single English speaker (whether native speaker or not) 
speaks their own ideolect
affected by where they were born, brought up ('raised'), worked, and so 
on, if everyone starts tinkering
with the LiveCode language with their individual prejudices there will 
be no "Open Language",
there will just be something where no-one will have an earthly at 
understanding someone else's


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