SQLite, keep connection open or close every time?

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Wed Nov 25 17:28:09 EST 2015

Not sure, but the help desk system Spiceworks uses sqLite. They warn that  the service needs to be stopped before opening and querying the database to avoid damaging it (I think they mean the data, not the structure). I think the point is that if someone has the DB open for write when it is ready to write itself, that can cause problems.

I suppose for these kinds of local single user databases, an app should be written to check for success, and have retry loops and such, or better yet as discussed in other threads, have an agent query the database so their really is a single client.

Bob S

On Nov 25, 2015, at 13:19 , Peter Haworth <pete at lcsql.com<mailto:pete at lcsql.com>> wrote:

Maybe I'm missing something but I don't understand why the issue of
concurrent users keeps coming up in threads about SQL dbs.  There are
perfectly good mechanisms built into every SQL implementation to preserve
the integrity of the db, that's ACID is all about, or at least the "I" in
it.  They require that correct programming techniques are used of course,
but without concurrency control, an SQL db would be pretty much useless.


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