OT: Announce -- Himalayan Academy's First LiveCode Mobile App is Up

Brahmanathaswami brahma at hindu.org
Fri Nov 6 15:39:27 EST 2015


Did you download the app from the Google Play... you can see it, better 
than screen shots.

How does it work?  Except for one item... design to run without internet 

Quite simple really

gurudeva.livecode (app)

cd 1 - splash screen with rotating gear GIF
cd 2 - "main-card" shows photos... random selection, gets quotes, random 
cd 3-4 - img resources, not shown to user... all icon etc we apply to 
cd 5 "Reader Card" single text field dynamically loads sets of quotes or 
html files, search results
cd 6 Other options card: a basic navigation screen to the other 
"features" text, read quotes by category.
cd 7 audio card: buttons for 8 audio, a player object, and a "surprise 
Me" button that fetches a random audio from our server.


       / * a few static html files here: biography.html, 
about-this-app.html, help.html, release-notes.html
       / gurudeva-quotes.txt # 670K file with unicode, one quote per 
line, separated by "pipes" with tabs and assigned categories  in item 3 
of each line ~2570 quotes/lines



            # ~ 270 images (jpg) optimized with imageMagic and mozcjpeg. 
uncropped (most are bigger than screen rect)

     8 .mp3 files packaged with the app
     audio.json  has the metadata for the 8 audio files.

That's it --  very simple.

  Had it not been for all the bugs we uncovered (media display on 
Android mostly) it would have been done even sooner.

> Could you post screenshots and explain us how this app works? I am sure that
> your experience could be really helpful for many of us, LiveCode developers.
> Alejandro

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