Chromebook deployment...

Mark Wieder mwieder at
Mon Nov 2 14:33:45 EST 2015

On 11/02/2015 11:17 AM, Roger Eller wrote:
> I only tried in LC 6.6.2 and then LC 7.0.1 (the only Mac versions I have
> installed).  The sad thing (to me) is that even in Windows, I was forced to
> use the little corner resize thingie, even though EVERY OTHER application
> had edge resizing.  It wasn't until Apple adopted the feature that it was
> added to LC.  Runtime Revolution has always been way too Apple leaning IMHO
> to be touting themselves to be cross-platform.

It's not a LiveCode thing, it's an OS thing.
I just punched up LC 4.6.4 and resized from the edges with no problems.
Of course, I'm running a linux desktop, which does that natively.
So it has nothing to do with the LC version, and everything to do with 
what the OS supports.

  Mark Wieder
  ahsoftware at

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