Five programming problems every Software Engineer should be able to solve in less than 1 hour

Randy Hengst iowahengst at
Sun May 10 07:51:16 EDT 2015


This has been very interesting.

Based on what I’ve seen in this discussion and info from reading the list for several years, LiveCode has difficulty with very large numbers. So, that is why you can simply do this for Problem 3. Correct?
function ShowTheFirst100Fibonacci
   local tTheFirst100Fibonacci
   put "0,1," into tTheFirst100Fibonacci
   repeat 98
      put (item -1 tTheFirst100Fibonacci + item -2 tTheFirst100Fibonacci) & "," after tTheFirst100Fibonacci
   end repeat
   delete char -1 tTheFirst100Fibonacci -- removes trailing comma
   return tTheFirst100Fibonacci
end ShowTheFirst100Fibonacci

But, what about something like this for Problem 4… 
function ShowLargestNumber theList
   local tCharsToUse
   local tLargestNumber
   -- create each digit as a separte item
   repeat for each char theCharToCheck in theList
      if theCharToCheck is a number then
         put theCharToCheck & "," after tCharsToUse
      end if
   end repeat
   sort items of tCharsToUse descending numeric
   delete char -1 tCharsToUse -- remove trailing comma
   -- remove all commas to make 1 number
   repeat for each char theCharToCheck in tCharsToUse
      if theCharToCheck is a number then
         put theCharToCheck after tLargestNumber
      end if
   end repeat
   return tLargestNumber
end ShowLargestNumber

be well,

Randy Hengst

> On May 10, 2015, at 5:38 AM, Mark Waddingham <mark at> wrote:
>> In any case, I thought they were interesting so I gave it a shot. I
>> finished in something like 40 minutes, but I think some of my solutions are
>> more expedient than I would like.
> Indeed - the problems themselves are quite interesting - here are my solutions:
> ---- PROBLEM 1
> function problem1_for pList
>   local tIndex
>   get 0
>   repeat with tIndex = 1 to the number of items in pList
>      add item tIndex of pList to it
>   end repeat
>   return it
> end problem1_for
> function problem1_while pList
>   local tIndex
>   put 1 into tIndex
>   get 0
>   repeat while tIndex <= the number of items in pList
>      add item tIndex of pList to it
>      add 1 to tIndex
>   end repeat
>   return it
> end problem1_while
> function problem1_recurse pList
>   if the number of items in pList is 1 then
>      return item 1 of pList
>   end if
>   return item 1 of pList + problem1_recurse(item 2 to -1 of pList)
> end problem1_recurse
> ---- PROBLEM 2
> function problem2 pListA, pListB
>   get empty
>   repeat while pListA is not empty or pListB is not empty
>      if pListA is not empty then
>         put item 1 of pListA & comma after it
>         delete item 1 of pListA
>      end if
>      if pListB is not empty then
>         put item 1 of pListB & comma after it
>         delete item 1 of pListB
>      end if
>   end repeat
>   delete the last char of it
>   return it
> end problem2
> ---- PROBLEM 3
> ----   This would be trivial with arbitrary precision integers but
> ----   a simple 'high-school addition' function takes care of that.
> function problem3
>   get 0 & return & 1 & return
>   repeat until the number of lines in it is 100
>      put largeAdd(line -2 of it, line -1 of it) & return after it
>   end repeat
>   delete the last char of it
>   return it
> end problem3
> function largeAdd pLeft, pRight
>   local tLength
>   put max(the number of chars in pLeft, the number of chars in pRight) into tLength
>   put format("%0*s", tLength, pLeft) into pLeft
>   put format("%0*s", tLength, pRight) into pRight
>   local tIndex, tCarry, tResult
>   put 0 into tCarry
>   put empty into tResult
>   repeat with tIndex = tLength down to 1
>      get char tIndex of pLeft + char tIndex of pRight + tCarry
>      put it div 10 into tCarry
>      put it mod 10 before tResult
>   end repeat
>   if tCarry is not 0 then
>      put tCarry before tResult
>   end if
>   return tResult
> end largeAdd
> ---- PROBLEM 4
> ----   I must confess I found this one trickier than Problem 5. The
> ----   tricky case reduces to sets of integers with a common prefix
> ----   and sorting those into the right order. My solution pads with
> ----   the leading digit, then sorts preferring originally shorter
> ----   before longer (it relies on the fact 'sort' is stable in LC).
> function problem4_pad pItem, pLength
>   repeat until the length of pItem is pLength
>      put char 1 of pItem after pItem
>   end repeat
>   return pItem
> end problem4_pad
> function problem4 pList
>   local tLength
>   put 0 into tLength
>   repeat for each item tItem in pList
>      put max(the number of chars in tItem, tLength) into tLength
>   end repeat
>   sort items of pList ascending numeric by the number of chars in each
>   sort items of pList descending text by problem4_pad(each, tLength)
>   replace comma with empty in pList
>   return pList
> end problem4
> ---- PROBLEM 5
> ----   At first sight this one seems 'scary' but in actual fact the
> ----   number of combinations is actually quite small (3^8) and you
> ----   can get them by counting from 0 to 3^8 in ternery and padding
> ----   the result to 8 digits. I then use 0 for no sign, 1 for + and
> ----   2 for -. Having 'value' makes checking the sums trivial.
> function problem5
>   local tResults
>   repeat with i = 0 to 3^8
>      local tScheme, tSum
>      put empty into tSum
>      put format("%08s", baseConvert(i, 10, 3)) into tScheme
>      repeat with j = 1 to 8
>         put j after tSum
>         switch char j of tScheme
>            case "0"
>               break
>            case "1"
>               put "+" after tSum
>               break
>            case "2"
>               put "-" after tSum
>               break
>         end switch
>      end repeat
>      put "9" after tSum
>      if value(tSum) is 100 then
>         put tSum & return after tResults
>      end if
>   end repeat
>   return tResults
> end problem5
> -- 
> Mark Waddingham ~ mark at ~
> LiveCode: Everyone can create apps
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