Communication Suggestion for LiveCode (RunRev)

Scott Rossi scott at
Thu May 7 14:50:13 EDT 2015

I know the LiveCode (RunRev) folks don't spend all their time on this
list, but with the recent server issues mentioned on the list, I thought I
would pass along a humble suggestion to the guys managing On-Rev and such.
 Maybe our Fearless Leader Richard G could act as messenger, if he feels
so inclined.

Today I found I was having trouble accessing certain mail accounts on
DreamHost and found they're currently having trouble with some mail server
drives that need to be rebuilt.  As a result they interrupted some mail
service, and also posted a link on the home panel of their site to a page
showing updates on the process:

Perhaps the LiveCode folks would consider doing something along these
lines if/when outages occur with critical systems.  I imagine this
communication would go a long way toward lessening users' concerns.

Best Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX/UI Design

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