Managing Sizes - Images in Mobile (was Mobile Template)

Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Tue Mar 10 18:15:45 EDT 2015

Hmm... All this buzz about apps that scale everything for every rect, 
with CSS and HTML5 etc,

Certainly they are not placing a single instance of a rasturized image 
at 320 X 568 @ 72  and then expect that to scale up to 1024 X 768  
"automatically" and still look decent. Unless the laws of pixel physics 
have changed recently, I'm still thinking upscaled low res graphics will 
yield rancid results no matter what the framework. Am I mistaken? Even 
Apple's iBook Author software called for multiple images at different 

Perhaps one path to "ease the pain" of multiple images could be

1)  see how far you can take your design with vector objects so that 
scale relative to appearance is never an issue.

I need to test EPS more extensively and break open Adobe Illustrator's 
toolbox. Theoretically this get's us vector if you stay in vector (don't 
place jpgs)

"Importing an EPS file creates an EPS object on the current card."

should work big or small..

2) For "single image instance" development, for raster art/photos... go 
the other direction: provide images to some larger rect at 150dpi and 
then when it scales down, it will look great  (untested).

  It seems to me the total "weight" of the app resources would be the 
same if you included 6 files at different resolutions, or just 1 image 
at a higher resolution that works for most  contexts. 7.0.3's boot time 
is a sad regression, but, once open LC's render time for a larger image 
into a smaller rect should not be a issue if the image is local  Am I 
daft? Different story of course if you are pulling from a remote server.

Is anyone else thinking/working in terms of this "single hi-res raster 
image instance" direction?

If so --  what seems to be good params for the optimal "single image 
instance" size and resolution for most devices?


Geoff Canyon wrote:
>> >  I'm working in 6.7.3, so (as far as I know) there's still some sort of
>> >  "build it at 320x568 and it will automatically scale up, but then you have
>> >  to provide double-size graphics, etc." thing going on.
> fullscreenmode -- apparently in place since6.5.  I'm looking into it now.
> gc

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