DB connection times

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Sun Mar 1 12:27:06 EST 2015

Dr. Hawkins and others have noted that the time required for LC to 
connect to a database can be long enough to add up under load.

To get a good feel for the implications of this, and to explore options 
for possibly mitigating it, it would be helpful if any of you happen to 
have measurements of that connection time.

On the one hand, for LC to connect to a DB does require quite a few 
steps: your code is interpreted, passed from the engine to the external, 
the external reformats it into a form the DB will understand, then the 
DB works with it and sends back a value, which then is reformatted by 
the external and sent back to the engine, which then delivers it to your 

But on the other hand, each of those steps should be pretty small, and 
most of them are taking place in compiled object code.

I may take the time in the future to set up some tests to measure 
connection times myself, but before I do it seems useful to see if any 
of you already have such measurements.

If you do, I'd be very interested in hearing what sorts of times you 
find not only for connections, but queries as well.


  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at FourthWorld.com                http://www.FourthWorld.com

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