LiveCode and SQLite performace

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Tue Jul 28 11:49:42 EDT 2015

You do not remember correctly. What I said (if I am remembering correctly) is that you need at least the size of your memory free and then some. This is because your OS will page out your memory into virtual memory, which is just a disk cache. But other apps also need room to grow for other things. I have always maintained that 10% is a red line you should never cross without risking damage to the OS or other apps data.

Bob S

On Jul 24, 2015, at 08:19 , Richard Gaskin <ambassador at<mailto:ambassador at>> wrote:

If I remember correctly Bob Sneidar said that a
you need at least 1/2 of your hard drive as free
space to run efficiently.  So if you have a drive
with 500 GB you need 250 GB or more free
space on the drive.  Anything below that and
it normal operations like opening files will be
slower.  I have used more space than 1/2 and
the more I use the slower it gets.  Sometimes
you can speed things up a little by relaunching
the Finder.  That can be done using the Force
Quit option.  If it speeds things up it will only be
a temporary fix.

John Balgenorth

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