Find all links in fld

Shawn Blc shawnlivecode at
Fri Jan 16 15:19:38 EST 2015

I'm still struggling with this, so I'm asking for a little help.

I'm trying to extract the links from the field.  All the links will start
the same, but the last 5 digits will be different.

*on* mouseUp

   *put* URL "" into tURL

   *put* tURL into fld "fld1"

   *find* string "" in fld

--- I'll need the whole URL

-- notice the xxxx -- that changes from link to link

   *put* the foundText into tFound

   *put* tFound into fld "fld2"

*end* mouseUp

When I add a repeat it never stops and locks up LC. but I'm still missing
the xxxx.

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