[OT] Slow performance under Yosemite

Mike Bonner bonnmike at gmail.com
Sun Jan 11 17:54:03 EST 2015

First reply got nuked due to length, so here goes again.
Yeah, think i'll try the try before you buy method.  The machine itself
should be fast enough, its the i7 server model, plenty of memory, and 7200
rpm drives. The negative side?  A penchant for overheating since day one.
Early on I had to flip it upside down and pop the cover off to keep it
cool.  Since then i've found a solution that helps a little, but looks like
a Frankenstein monster. I removed a square of plastic from the base to
expose the metal portion of things and thermal bonded a heatpipe based heat
sink to the base metal.  It's still upside down, but runs as cool this way
as it did without the base attached.  On the days I push it hard, I blow
some air through the fins and mostly keep it below fry level of heat.
I also do all my video work on a different machine.  The mini is still
pretty great, but i'm surprised its still around.  (there was an
incarnation of lion that I had installed that liked to hang processes in
cpu lock.  100+c is NOT a good thing)

An image of the modified mini.

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