Mobile cloud storage

Dave Kilroy dave at
Thu Feb 5 08:54:28 EST 2015

Concerning authentication and fog - is it just Dropbox authentication that is
'foggy'? If so then I may be able to help

I'm using phxDropboxLib together with a dropbox app (created on dropbox's
website, it's very easy to do) and a new dropbox account to allow apps to
connect to the same dropbox account and sync assets - this doesn't use up a
users's Dropbox storage allowance or have any connection to his/her Dropbox
account. I haven't yet but could easily have the app connect to the user's
own dropbox account (and thus saving preferences and other data for them)

I created my own little substack to deal with the Dropbox authentication
stuff and when everything is connected the app saves the login credentials
locally so that on each relaunch it just connects each time it launches (I
have to put in a 'permission to connect to the internet' dialog box and save
the response locally).

I did think about putting up my approach onto rev online but decided I
shouldn't because it was so tightly bound-in to phxDropboxLib which is not
Guglielmo's baby and not mine

Setting it up was a bit of a mind-bender - I did actually record a very bad
video about it giving a 'general overview' to the process rather than being
a tutorial. If there was interest I could record it again (too many 'ums'
and 'ems'). 

Alternatively/and/or can you explain where the 'foggy bits' are?

Kind regards


Guglielmo Braguglia's Dropbox library is at:

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