Stacks Losing their Size and Location

Scott Rossi scott at
Thu Dec 17 17:37:59 EST 2015

Shameless Plug: If you find yourself doing this kind of thing a lot, I
have a visual stack management plugin called tmNavigator that handles
this.  It shows a resizable thumbnail view of all stacks open your desktop
and enables you to drag them around the screen, across multiple monitors.

Happy Holidays,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX/UI Design

On 12/17/15, 12:47 PM, "use-livecode on behalf of Peter M. Brigham"
<use-livecode-bounces at on behalf of pmbrig at>

>On Dec 16, 2015, at 6:01 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
>> If I then close the laptop window, come back to work, hook up the
>>external moitor again and open a stack that had been open before when
>>just using the laptop monitor, the location of the new window is
>>partially off screen! That means the title bar is not accessible, and
>>therefore not draggable.
>Here's a routine I have in my library that allows scrolling of a window
>that is partially offscreen, might come in handy for this kind of
>problem. Option[alt]- scroll to move the stack.
>-- Peter
>Peter M. Brigham
>pmbrig at
>on scrollStack pStackRef, pDirection
>   -- allows moving a stack window up, down, left, or right with the
>   --    or trackpad
>   -- pDirection can be "up | down | left | right" or the raw keycode
>   --    for the scrollwheel output
>   -- use this for stack windows that are larger than your screen size
>   -- implement with the rawkeydown handler -- q.v.
>   --    ([shift-]option-scroll scrolls stack)
>   -- by Peter M. Brigham, pmbrig at ‹ freeware
>   -- requires rawkeydown
>   -- put this handler and the rawkeydown handler into a stack script
>   put 10 into speedParam
>   -- adjust this if you want
>   put the loc of stack pStackRef into startingLoc
>   put startingLoc into newLoc
>   switch pDirection
>      case "up"
>      case "65308"
>         subtract speedParam from item 2 of newLoc
>         break
>      case "down"
>      case "65309"
>         add speedParam to item 2 of newLoc
>         break
>      case "left"
>      case "65310"
>         subtract speedParam from item 1 of newLoc
>         break
>      case "right"
>      case "65311"
>         add speedParam to item 1 of newLoc
>         break
>   end switch
>   move stack pStackRef from startingLoc to newLoc
>end scrollStack
>on rawkeydown pKey
>   -- allows moving a stack window up, down, left, or right
>   --    with scrollwheel or trackpad
>   -- hold the option[alt]key down and scroll:
>   --    scrollwheel: option-scroll for up/down, shift-option-scroll for
>   --    trackpad: option-scroll up/down/left/right
>   -- use this for stack windows that are larger than your screen size
>   -- by Peter M. Brigham, pmbrig at ‹ freeware
>   -- requires scrollStack
>   -- put this handler and the scrollStack handler into a stack script
>   put the long id of stack (the mousestack) into tStackRef
>   switch pKey
>      case 65308 -- up
>      case 65309 -- down
>      case 65310 -- left
>      case 65311 -- right
>         if the optionkey is up then pass rawkeydown
>         scrollStack tStackRef, pKey
>         break
>      default
>         pass rawkeydown
>         -- or add cases to handle other keys
>   end switch
>end rawkeydown
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