Animations on iOS

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Tue Dec 15 13:54:50 EST 2015

On 14/12/2015 20:58, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 12/14/2015 1:23 PM, Ben Rubinstein wrote:
>> 2) making it into a GIF on the card, which works quite nicely except
>> that there's an enormous delay going to the card, presumably as the
>> animation is buffered.
>> Pros: can be exactly the size I want; plays quite smoothly
>> Cons: I've not managed to play this from an external file, and if it's
>> embedded on the card there's an unacceptable delay.
> You could try the "prepare image" command to load the gif ahead of time. It
> works well for me, but I haven't ever tried it with gifs.

Thanks Jacque and all who've replied.

I should have given more details - my animation is actually a rendering from a
3d model - it could happily be a video, except for the frame size issue. I
looked into the "prepare image" command - however you can only use it for an
image on disk, or an image on the current card; my problem (with an embedded 
image) is that there's a delay on going to the card, because the image is 
being loaded.  Loading the GIF from an external file might be better but I 
couldn't make this work on mobile - should it be possible? Do I want a 
relative path or an absolute one?

Many thanks,


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