screen readers

David Simpson dsimpson at
Wed Aug 26 16:09:04 EDT 2015

Indeed, LiveCode does not currently support Accessibility. I have used a variety of automation software like AppleScript and WinAutomation - and only the outline of the window and the window controls are visible.
In fact, I lost a sale last week because my software could not be used with JAWS screenreader software.

This is a 2nd project for which I am interested in contributing to financially using my Business Edition credits.
I spoke with LiveCode engineering about this very issue. 

If you look at the new pricing page, you will see info about a Business Feature Exchange (tooltip for Add a Feature on the pricing page). This Business Feature Exchange does not yet formally exist. But when it does, Business Edition customers will be able to pool their resources to get features like this added.

Accessibility could potentially be added as a 2 phase project.

Phase #1 - Due to the way the Tooltip feature is implemented, it might lend itself to modification allowing some level of Accessibility for existing objects. All of my buttons already have useful tooltips, and this would be a nice stopgap measure. This idea would need investigated further by engineering to determine its practicality and cost/timeframe. I hope to proceed further along with this project after Project #1 has been completed.

Phase #2 - New objects built as widgets could have Accessibility added in directly.

If you or anyone else is interested in participating in the Business Feature Exchange, feel free to open an online chat session with Iain Morrison by clicking on the Lets Chat button on the pricing page (during business hours). By giving LiveCode Ltd. a heads up now, they might populate the Business Feature Exchange with a few starter projects as part of their rollout process.

David Simpson

> On Aug 26, 2015, at 12:12 PM, Phil Davis <revdev at> wrote:
> I see there are some related comments in the Forums. Looks like I'm not alone.
> Phil
> On 8/26/15 12:04 PM, Phil Davis wrote:
>> Has anyone been able to make desktop stacks work with screen readers? I'm experimenting with the Mac's VoiceOver utility (included with OS X), and VO doesn't know how to interact with a stack - it identifies the window as "unknown" and doesn't allow you to interact with its elements/objects.
>> Thanks for any tips or insights you can share any tips from your experience.
> -- 
> Phil Davis
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