Open Source Kickstarter Report Card

Peter W A Wood peterwawood at
Fri Aug 14 06:31:35 EDT 2015

Following LiveCode’s announcement of its Business Application Framework, there has been quite a few comments regarding the fulfilment of promises made during the Kickstarter open source campaign. It’s a long time since the campaign and it is easy to get an incorrect perception. So I thought that it would be worth going back, seeing what was promised and what had been delivered. 

I’ve come up with a report card based on the Kickstarter web pages, LiveCode’s road map and from comments made on the mailing lists and forums by LiveCode staff. I relied on my memory for the latter so the status that I’ve noted may not be quite correct. By posting it to the mailing list, I’m sure that any misperceptions I might have will get corrected. I hope so as I much prefer to have a clear picture of where things stand.

The first thing to note is that all the Kickstarter rewards have been delivered.

There seems to have been three major deliverables promised in the main campaign:

Deliverable						Status
Re-engineer the whole platform			Completed
A new technology: “Open Language”		Early alpha of the pre-requisite LiveCode Builder released (LiveCode 8.0)
								Open Language will be in a release after LiveCode 8.0
A new visual editor					Early alpha released (LiveCode 8.0)

There were a number of deliverables promised through stretch goals which were met:

Deliverable						Status
Resolution Independence				Completed
Pluggable Themes					Pluggable Themes will be in a release after LiveCode 8.0
Cocoa							Completed
Physics Engine						Physics Engine will be in a release after LiveCode 8.0
Windows/Phone 8 Theme				Windows/Phone 8 Theme will be in a release after LiveCode 8.0
Vector Shape Object					Vector Shape Object will be in a release after LiveCode 8.0
Reworked Multimedia Support	
	New Player					Completed on OS X. Windows/Linux ???
	Multi Channel Sound				OS X : Linux : Windows ???
	Sound Recording				???
New Browser Control					OS X, Windows completed. Linux with LiveCode 8.0

I’d appreciate if somebody could let me know the status of the items about which I’m unclear and any mistakes I have made.



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